Saturday 8 October 2016

The Lost Thing by Rhianna

Starting my day was always the same: going down to the beach and collecting bottle-tops. I have an amazing selection of bottle-tops, and I was hoping to find some more. But what I found instead was even better. I found a bell. It had a swirly pattern, and was a bit rusted. I picked it up, and it ringed. I put it in my rucksack (an upcycled dustbin) and stood still, thinking about why it was there. Then it rang again, or at least I thought it was the bell. I looked up, and I found something amazing.
It was round, like a vase, or a teapot with no handle. It was around 6 metres tall, or 3 times the height of me. It has an orangey-red coat of rust around it. It had doors and entrances in all shapes and sizes. It was the Lost Thing.
I was a bit apprehensive to discover what it really was, so I decided to make a peaceful approach. Nerve-rackingly, I opened one of its many doors, and called, “Hello?” but there was no reply. I think the peaceful approach didn’t work. The door shut itself, and began making a lot of whirring noises, and crashing noises. As this point, I was scared out of my mind, and I was about to run away, but then I was intrigued, as the lower hatches began to open, and tentacles sprouted out. Two ‘arms’ appeared, with bells for hands. Out of its ‘mouth’ there appeared a beach ball. I did question this, but then I remembered that finding the Lost Thing was questionable in itself.
I grabbed the beach ball and threw it to him, and he caught it and deftly passed it back. It was like a dog, in the aspect that it loved to throw and catch balls. We’d been doing it for a couple of hours, but it didn’t get bored. 

The Lost Thing by Tyler W

Enthusiastically walking along the dull grey path I headed towards the sandy beach searching for bottle tops as usual. Each step at a time down to the beach, searching in the sand - no bottle tops. Suddenly a red thing in the sand catches my eye, “Could this be the colalionaid 2047 top!” I thought. Reaching out all bubbly, but nope it was a bell in the middle of the sand. Now this had me thinking why there is a red bell in the middle of the sand, nevertheless I followed the rugged piece of rope. 
It wasn’t that long before I came across the end of the string and a big red thing with tentacles coming out of the bottom. I didn’t know what to do; I was speechless. It had lots of flaps, doors and hatches. I stuck my head in and yelled, “Hello!” but there was no reply. As I kept walking around this object, I decided it was a U.F.O., an unidentified foreign object. Well that’s what I thought 

The Lost Thing by Kiefer

It was just a normal, old and boring day. The only good place good to look for bottle tops anymore was on the beach. I was working tirelessly on my bottle top collection, well at least until I saw a red thing half-buried underneath the sand. Curiously, I picked it up not knowing what it was. And as I picked it up, I heard a bell sound, you know, ‘ring a ring a ring’. It turns out it was a bell, a bell connected to what looked, well… lost. 
I inspected it, as all it was, was a lost thing. Nobody else seemed to notice it, as they were all too busy doing their own things. I was walking around it, when I heard a rusty sound above me, but when I looked up all I saw was nothing. I thought it was just me, imagining things, but when I saw a hatch, I thought why not?
I stuck my head through the hatch and shouted ‘hello.’
Nothing happened but then I heard a tiny ‘cling’ sound. 

The Lost Thing by Olivia

I jumped off the train after a long ride and straight away I found a new bottle top to add to my collection, so I ticked it off in my book of bottle tops.
As I walked down the staircase to the beach I saw a big red oval shaped thing. I don’t know what it was but it was big. I walked up to the unusual shaped thing and I picked up a bell that was attached to it and then I heard something close so I shouted inside of the big red oval shaped thing, “HELLO!” 
There was no answer and then…
The red oval shaped thing came to life with green octopus like tentacles coming out of nowhere and suddenly there were two sharp claws holding a bell in each one. Then a beach ball came flying out of a little hatch at the front of the thing so I threw it back and me and the thing played a game of catch for a little while. 
So I guess the octopus like thing turned out to be alright I mean he didn’t eat me or anything so I think I’ll be alright I don’t think I'm going to die anytime soon.

Describing the Lost Thing

As I went on my daily stroll on the beach after a long ride on the train. I found a few bottle tops and a red sort of rusty, bizarre kind of thing. I walked closer and closer to the big thing that looked like a teapot with brownie coloured legs and doors. When I was a few feet away I saw a bell, a red bell that looked like exactly the same colour as the crazy round thing. As I was next to the thing I thought to myself this is a strange thing so I opened the rusty door and shouted “HELLO!”
The tentacles popped out and made a loud and very noisy sound as it stood up with the fan going as fast as anything. It chucked out a beach ball and we played a little bit of catch. I think we might be friends. Maybe I have a friend now.

Just one thing I wonder; why has he or she got two bells on it? Hum, I wonder why. “Oh well let’s keep on playing catch.” I said. So we played and played all day it seemed like but as I look at my watch it has only been two minutes but time will always fly when you are having fun.

Describing the Lost Thing by Jack

It was like any other day same gloomy street, same gloomy train same gloomy beach. I was collecting bottle tops, as always, I thought I had found one so I leaned down and picked it up it wasn’t a bottle at all. It was just a bell, but it had a string attached to it so I decided to follow it. It was weird because it followed along to a … kettle? It wasn’t doing much it was just, there really. It had a sort of look to it, like a, gloomy sad sort of look really. It also had a hatch, I opened it and peered inside, it wasn’t the brightest place, to be honest. I said, “Hello,” but there was no reply it just echoed around inside. However, there was a vibration shortly after. Tentacle like arms slowly crept out of most of the hatches and stood itself up.

The Lost Thing description from the man’s view by Kirsten

Dear Diary,
Today was just the same as usual. I went down to the beach to collect bottle tops. I found some on my boring way to the beach I found a Carlsberg™ ale top, and an orange and blue orangeade one. The last one I found was a new one, but the other was a repeated found one. I wish I could just show my collection; it’s amazing! Anyway, I didn’t find any more on my journey. I made my way to the stairs, my back aching from the hefty bag on my back.
 I walked down the long flight of stairs to the unusual beach. Bob was there vacuuming the sand as usual, and Mary was there placing the seagulls. Everyone was tanning in the sun and playing. I walked on to find a peculiar red thing in the sand; I thought it was a special bottle top. But it turned out to be a bell. I jingled it and then a big, post box red teapot shaped thing sat on the sand. Everyone, who was there, paid no attention at all. How could they not? It was ginormous! It had tentacles, coloured musty green, hanging out of many of the hatches and doors. It had a rusty, old fan at the front. It had a chimney that was puffing out smoke. It looked like a giant death machine. I would have run away if I wasn’t so petrified with fear! Then all of a sudden, it started moving, all of its tentacles moving. Its fan started going and it turned around and I could see its big pincer type things with bells on…

Meeting the Lost Thing by Anesha

As usual I was looking for bottle tops to add to my collection but this time it was on the beach. I saw something but it seemed like nobody else could see it, then that’s when I saw it. A bell! I thought to myself, ‘what could that be for?’ so I walked up to the bell and picked it up and started to shake it and then I saw this giant red thing, it was amazing. I started walking around it. I stopped and saw this door/window I opened it and shouted, 'HELLO!' 
No answer.
So I shut it and I looked above and I saw this leg and then the thing put the leg in. Then it started to move...

The Lost Thing by William

I was walking on the beach when I saw a bell so I picked it up. It was a tiny red bell. I followed the string that was attached to it. It led to a huge red teapot three times the size of me. The huge teapot was red with a bit of orange on it. I said, “Hello” in a little door. Suddenly it started to transform. I was really scared of what might happen when the door opened. I was terrified! I didn’t know what was going to happen. A basketball shot out...

Describing the Lost Thing by Finley

It was a beautiful sunny day in Australia when I was collecting my bottle tops, I found the rarest bottle top ever (it was from the Stone Age) I put it in my bag and carried on walking. As I was walking onto the beach, I saw a huge red thing so I ran swiftly to it. Before I got there I found a bell, I picked it up and rang it. I walked to the big red thing and observed it for a good five seconds. Suddenly, a leg pulled itself in and made a loud bang. I got very frightened and opened a door, I then shouted, “Hello!” I quickly took my head out and closed the hatch…
Suddenly, lots of tentacles came out then the thing started rumbling and stood up, I was so terrified. The thing threw a ball out to me, indicating to play catch with me so I did.
The thing was actually very nice and I hope he stays for a lot longer. 

Describing the Lost Thing by Paris

I was strolling the streets as usual, collecting my bottle tops. Until I wandered onto the dirtiest beach in my city. I found this strange looking thing, which everybody acted like they did not notice. All of the people were just doing what they normally do.  I didn’t know if I should be looking at this weird thing just sat on the beach like this. I only found it because of its long, red bell. As I listened to the doors slamming on it, legs started to pop out. It stood up, all of the doors were opening and two unusual arms popped out. The metal thing kicked out a ball; I was very confused. I caught the round ball and suddenly it started to jump around waiting for me to throw the ball back to it. 

Describing the Lost Thing by Ava

It looked like it stood out to me, yet everybody was acting like they couldn’t see it. I   stopped and picked up an old and rusty bell that was attached by a tattered, red rope. After I had seen the old bell I knew I must know more so what I did was…
Well I am not going to tell you just yet but I will describe it for you. I saw a bright red coloured teacup kind of shape with lots of different draws and doors. As I walked around this strange, large, red object I noticed a door that looked big enough for me to fit through but I will tell you more about that later.
Now let me tell you more about this object. it was dug out of the ground and started growing tentacles, octopus like. Then I heard a strange sound it sounded a bit like a factory being knocked down.  It had thrown a ball at me, then looked at me like it wanted me to throw it back at him.

I threw it back, hoping it wouldn’t do something bad like shoot a rocket at me or something.  

Discovering the Lost Thing by Cloud

It was a warm summer’s day, I was searching tirelessly for some new bottle-tops for my wonderful collection but I wasn’t having much luck, so to cheer myself up I decided to go down to the beach. I walked down the stairs from the pavement, onto the faded sand. As I was walking, I noticed, from the corner of my eye, something green poking out from under the sand. I decided to go and investigate.
I came across a kind of machine of some sort, it just sat there with a lonely kind of lost expression. I noticed there was a hatch so I looked around but no one was paying attention, I guess they were doing other stuff. I opened the hatch and looked inside but all I could see was darkness. “Hello,” I said. 
Suddenly, the weird machine started creaking and rumbling then out from underneath popped loads of little pale green tentacles.  The red machine then stood up and two huge claws appeared from inside the creature’s shell. It started walking towards me. It opened its front hatch and out bounced a beach ball. I could not believe my eyes; it was amazing. I still could not believe no one else was seeing this. The creature then gestured to me to throw the ball to it.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Isabelle

4th October 2012
Dear Diary,
I was tirelessly working on my bottle top collection and decided a good place to be was at the beach. On my way to the beach I collected a few more bottle tops not knowing what strange events were ahead of me.
 The people were obviously not looking around much because there was a massive thing, a massive lost thing with nobody taking any notice of it. It didn’t do much at least that’s what I thought; it just sat there in a sort of lost kind of way. As I walked around it I found an open hatch. Being as curious as I am I stuck my head and bellowed, “Hello!”
No answer but I still was interested.
Suddenly a bell rang and the thing started to shake like mad. One side of me was telling me to run for my life, but the other half of me was telling me to stay and wait to see what it was. I backed away in fear and watched it form into a monstrous thing. It turned around and opened a hatch, “Please don’t hurt me!” I said underneath my breath. It shook again and out came a….. ball? The ball shot out and stopped at my feet.

I didn’t know what to do so I picked up the ball and the machine was acting like a dog. Realizing what it wanted I threw the ball mightily and the thing caught it.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Mia

It was Sunday morning about 10:30; I was walking through the warm sand on the beach as I usually do to find some bottle tops for my collection. I walked a little further along and I found a little red rusty kind of bell it had something attached to it. I picked it up, looked at it then dropped it, I looked up, right there in front of me was a [big] massive red thing. This is what the bell was attached to, as I looked at it there was a tentacle thing that was hanging out but as I looked it shot back in. The thing had a big lid that was spikey, and lots of doors. I walked to the back of it and it had a little fan at the top that was creaking every time it moved. Then I walked back round to the front, I opened a little flap and shouted, “Hellooo,” it just echoed. I moved back and it started shaking. I moved back a bit more. Suddenly I started seeing tentacles coming out of the body. It also had these crab hand things. Then it threw a ball at me; I picked it up.      

The Lost Thing by Lisa

As I was dawdling down the steps, I found I was on a beach that I had never seen before.  I was looking down, as I usually am trying to find bottle tops, until I found something sticking out from the sand. It was red and it looked unusual so (as I always do when I see something peculiar) picked it up. It was attached to a string, so I decided to follow the sting, it led me to a very strange looking object.
It wasn’t overly big, but I can tell you, it was definitely bigger than me! It was red and rather unique.  As I walked around it, I realized how much it looked like a creature but I thought that creatures would most definitely not have an enormously large fan inside them. Would they? It had a spikey top, as if it was having a really bad hair day. It had lot of doors and hatches all over it and legs which looked like they were nailed to the ground to keep it there. 
Suddenly, I heard a bang from above me, and I slightly saw a green tentacle (not much different to the legs really). It lifted off the ground and started to turn around, it was squeaking and then suddenly!.......
It threw a ball at me. I picked it up and then the creature started jumping about like a dog would. I threw the ball at the creature and it caught it! We were playing catch for a long time but I needed to go bottle top collecting. I really didn’t want to leave it though.

Discovering the Lost Thing by Jessica

As I was walking down the narrow steps, I was thinking about adding to my bottle-top collection. When I reached the bottom step, I started searching in the sand. I stopped when I saw something red and dirty. Slowly, I bent down to pick it up. I started to hear some chiming sounds coming from the red thing.
I looked up and in front of me stood a very peculiar thing. It was the same colour as the chiming thingy but a lot bigger. Trying to find more about the massive red thing, I walked around it. In the window I could see a green blob. He looked very miserable or something, I couldn’t figure it out. It started moving so I opened a hatch and shouted, “Hello.”

The hatch shut. A couple of seconds later, it came alive. It lifted itself off the ground and a beach ball popped out. It started to hop around like it wanted me to throw it back to him so I did. All of a sudden, he threw it back to me. It turns out he was a lonely thing, that just wanted someone to play with.

Discovering the lost thing by Tia A

So I was working hard on my bottle top collection until I found this thing on the beach. I picked it up and it tinkled, there was rope attached to it, it led to this strange enormous lost thing. It was weird how nobody had spotted but they wouldn’t anyway they're always doing their own things. 

So I walked towards this big red thing, it had long green tentacles poking out of holes. The lost thing was shaped like a teacup, it was rough, old and it had cupboard doors all over it. I walked towards it and said, "HELLO!" it echoed back to me - it sounded empty. After I had finished investigating the lost thing it began to shake and vibrate. The cupboard doors shot open and the long green tentacles popped out and lifted the lost thing up. I didn’t feel scared at all but I was worried what was going to happen.     

The Lost Thing by Kaci-Shaye

It was late afternoon when I got to the beach, looking for bottle tops. It was tiring with my bag on my back as I trudged through the sand. Whilst the other people were doing other things I had my head down looking for bottle tops. Then I found a red, dirty bell, I picked it up, it was on a rope, when I looked up there was a brown, rusty, spiky, circular big tank. I walked around the big tank and there was a hatch so I banged on it, it opened up so I popped my head through and shouted, “Hello?” there was no answer all I could hear was my voice echoing. I dropped the hatch and that also echoed. I looked up and there was a fan it got faster and faster and tentacles came out of the hatches. I was scared but I wanted to know what it was, then another hatch opened and a beach ball came flying out of it. I did not want to make it angry, so I played with the lonely, dirty tank. We played catch, it reminded me of dogs playing with balls.

A Description of the lost thing by Tyler S

My day started with me wandering down the beach, looking for more bottle tops to add to my collection, when I stumbled across what at first glance looked like a bottle. Since I do collect bottle tops, so I decided to have a look. As I picked it up I realised it was a bell. A bell with a string. A bell with a string leading up to a giant, metallic, red teapot shaped contraption. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn there was a grey tentacle slowly oozing its way out, so from there I began to think that an octopus was in there. I wanted to find out if there actually was.

 I opened one of the hatches and as it eerily creaked open I said, “Hello,” hoping for no answer. 

Suddenly, loads of tentacles oozed out even faster than before. I choose to step back a pace, otherwise I would have been crushed.